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Investment Focus - Summer 2024 Thumbnail

Investment Focus - Summer 2024

It's been termed the "greatest wealth transfer in history". As the last of the Baby Boomers reach the age of 60 this year, and teh oldest approach 80, an estimated $1 trillion of wealth has begun to change hands.

Investment Focus - Winter 2024 Thumbnail

Investment Focus - Winter 2024

It has been said that "Time is the exponent that does the heavy lifting. The common denominator of almost all fortunes isn't returns; it's endurance and longevity." As we look ahead to a new year, don't overlook the impact of compounding and time on investing success.

Investment Focus - Winter 2023 Thumbnail

Investment Focus - Winter 2023

Investing is never a smooth road, and 2022 was a difficult reminder that the markets can go down just as they go up. Financial markets were largely challenged by the aggressive actions of central banks in raising rates in their attempt to combat high inflation; a stark contrast to the excessive exuberance of 2021.

Investment Focus - Autumn 2022 Thumbnail

Investment Focus - Autumn 2022

As the central banks continue to raise rates in their fight to curb inflation, many observers have pointed to the current outlook for the economy and financial markets as uncertain. Did the central banks wait too long to control inflation? ls a full-blown recession imminent?

Investment Focus - Winter 2021 Thumbnail

Investment Focus - Winter 2021

The turning of a new year is synonymous with optimism and hope. After a difficult year, it may feel as though optimism is in short supply. Yet, here are some reasons why better times may lie ahead for 2021.